Dave Lindhout
I'm Dave Lindhout and I have been transforming information since 1977. From punched cards on a mainframe computer system to Web 2.0, one thing that has remained constant is the need for quality information systems. The tools have evolved as well. From COBOL and dBase to 4th generation and object oriented languages. The Internet is the new platform of choice with hyper-linked information available without geographic boundary, and available on an increasing number of devices. The tools available to me are virtually limitless.
The solutions abound, but real question is, do they solve your problems? And how good a handle do you really have on your problems? That's where I come in. My experience includes developing custom software, and implementing and integrating large scale ERP software packages. The constant is my ability to identify the right set of problems, and provide appropriate solutions, on time and within budget. It comes down to being able to bring about positive change within an organization.
What has continued to drive my success is my ability to identify and solve the right set of problems, and develop solutions that exceed expectations. The results fit like a glove.
I am located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. You can contact